Monday, January 20, 2014

3 spaces left, Is one of those yours?

Medicine Cabinet Makeover

Whoa, man - that's... like... so cool


Back to the Basics:

Give your medicine cabinet a healthy makeover with this workshop. Learn the 5 essential oils that are not only vital to every medicine cabinet, but that will also change your health for the better!

You will work with these essential oils with unscented organic bases, as well as recipes and expert instruction. These classes are not only informative, they are a lot of fun! But, register early because they do fill up!

In each workshop, you will make incredible product with natural ingredients and essential oils.  Space is limited, sign up today. 

So Let's Review:

You will receive 5 pure therapeutic essential oils, base products to create natural alternatives to chemical laden toxins, a conscious awareness for pure bliss, tried and true formulas for health and wellness.

Are you screaming sign me up? Well space is limited, so check your calendar and do it now. These workshops ALWAYS sellout! 2 times available on the same day.

DATE: Saturday January 25, 2014
TIMES: 10-12pm  or  2-4pm
PLACE: Bridge to Avalon - 757 Saint Andrews Blvd.
COST: $75   

Heather Howell-Vitale AKA the Aromatic Alchemist has love, compassionate and great reverence for plant essences and their healing power. She custom blends for specifics, creates signature perfumes, consults and teaches a wide variety of workshops. In her private practice, Heather assists her clients’ issues, guiding them in obtaining wellness through the natural medicine of essential oils as a Clinical Aromatherapist formulating healing essential oil blends for health issues such as but not limited to: stress, clarity, eczema, menopause, ADHD/ADD, respiratory care, sinuses, sleep issues, energetics and much more. Passionate about natural healing, Heather has over 15 years of experience in the realms of Aromatic therapy and healing modalities. Married life with three incredible children based on holistic living, energetic presence and nature is rewarding and fulfilling.  Call 843.614.7283 or visit our web at