Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How to Clear Negative Energy from your Life

We are in the center of the last Super Full Moon of the year. We are getting a super push to let go of and celebrate whatever you initiated back at the New Moon of March 2014. Personally I have made major movement upward in a lot of areas in my life and now I am being pushed to let go of all that does not serve my highest good and evolution.

Being smart, discerning and capable of following your intuition are key components in clearing negative energy from your life. You may be on a path of wholeness and find there are outside forces that play on your weaknesses and you fall back. Get right back up, learn from it and continue to move forward.

I like the assistance of Field Organizer Room and Body spray to remove negative articles that may have attached to me and the space around me. It creates a perfect bubble of clearing for me to activate my highest good and potential. Field Organizer is blend creates a feeling of protection and security, increasing your aura around the body by clearing and sealing the energy field from lower vibrating realms of being.  This blend of Geranium, Juniper, Ginger, Orange, Basil and Melissa vibrates at a frequency that allows the dispersion of matter through the energetic field that sweeps through like a magnet, removing any discordant energy that has corded or entered your space. 

"When you think everything is someone else's fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy." - the Dalai Lama  

Thank you for this opportunity to serve. Have a great week, bust it wide open with love and discovery.

Your Aromatic Alchemist,

Heather XOXOXO

Heather Howell-Vitale AKA the Aromatic Alchemist has love, compassionate and great reverence for plant essences and their healing power. She custom blends for specifics, creates signature perfumes, consults and teaches a wide variety of workshops. In her private practice, Heather assists her clients’ issues, guiding them in obtaining wellness through the natural medicine of essential oils as a Clinical Aromatherapist formulating healing essential oil blends for health issues such as but not limited to: stress, clarity, eczema, menopause, ADHD/ADD, respiratory care, sinuses, sleep issues, energetics and much more. Passionate about natural healing, Heather has over 15 years of experience in the realms of Aromatic therapy and healing modalities. Married life with three incredible children based on holistic living, energetic presence and nature is rewarding and fulfilling.  Call 843.614.7283 or visit our web at